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Learn How To Blog For Money and Profit – The $Six Figure Income Formula


blogging for moneyIf you want to learn how to blog for profit, one thing is for sure from the get go. Get it set up the right way and you’ll develop a long term profitable $Six Figure Business.

An Online Business that you own, you control that you can scale and grow as you learn. And the great thing is you will earn as you learn. And the more you earn from your Blog, the more you can scale. (scale = grow bigger = earn more!)

For Blog read = Online Business = eCommerce = Affiliate marketing = Digital Publishing Empire

Now, if you want to learn to blog for profit and you’re really serious, what you don’t want to do is get it set up the wrong way. Because that will take you way of track so we need to get things set up correctly from day one.

Learn How To Blog For Money & Profit

Here’s the danger. It’s a medium to long term endeavor. It’s not for the get rich quick, push button ATM money machine crowd. If your one of those and you’ve had the wool pulled over your eyes, you’re definitely in the wrong place.

So you shouldn’t waste your time or mine ‘cos this ain’t where it’s at. So you should leave now.

There are plenty of fools out there chasing that honey pot.

What we are about here is building an Online Business and that’s what this site is all about, teaching you how to start an online business the right way, and grow it. And I keep using these words, online business = lucrative = long term = profitable= scaleable.

Now, let me make a point. There is a huge difference between building a Business and Building an Income. I heard somebody say that in a webinar a few weeks ago and it was like being hit over the back of the head with a shovel!

And therein lies the problem with the ‘push button great rich quick’ shiny object junkies who are being massively led astray. If you’re building an income it doesn’t matter how successful you are, it can get taken away. The next big MLM deal, Penny Matrix or, ‘just join, do nothing and get rich crap’ is only making money for one or two people. The scheme promoters! NOT you. And I’ve been there with you. One of the poor suckers who pour money into their cash registers instead of our own bank balance.

Sorry, rant over.

learn how to blogWhat we are doing to set out to do is build a legitimate, honest, money making Online Business that you will be proud to show your friends. That your bank manager will love.

Clarity: The most succinct and accurate definition of Affiliate and Online Marketing I have ever seen …..

“Fundamentally, you need a good offer to get behind, you need a highly targeted traffic source, a place for that traffic to go, and a way to stay in touch with those people. That’s pretty much it. You only add to this basic model when those components work.” John Barker

So if we unwind that statement and synthesis it into 3 simple steps

What to sell ===> place to sell ===> stay in touch to sell more

It’s a simple model that’s been perfected by massive business’s like Walmart, eBay. Overstock and Amazon.

Who’s the king of the hill? Amazon of course. You go to their site with your credit card already out because your searching for something specific, you find what you’re looking for and then they immediately tell you what else you can buy, then on a regular basis they invite you to come back for more!

If your one of the very rare people that hasn’t bought something from Amazon go there right now and just buy something! You have to watch this amazing process.

So back to the original subject line, why do we need to learn how to blog for money and profit?

It’s worth repeating the above line …. ‘What to sell ===> place to sell ===> stay in touch to sell more’

The first step to online success is selecting your market. I’ve written a beginners guide to picking the right market in my free ebook Internet Marketing Kickstart – How to Survive and Succeed in Your 1st year of Internet Marketing, grab it here ===> Internet Marketing Kickstart, or from the download link in the sidebar

Then it’s all about ‘place to sell’ and ‘staying in touch to sell more’.

The foundation of your online marketing business is built like this …

how to start a blog for profitYour Website to attract your customers

Your Prospect List when they visit (to turn them into customers …)

Your Customer List when they buy

Your Social Connection to spread the word

So let’s keep this simple, specifically you have to build your online presence across Social Media, Your Website, and Email Marketing.

In other words there are 3 Main Keys or Pillars to your Online success

Social ===> Web ===> Follow Up

So at the base level that means

Facebook Page ===> Blog ===> Autoresponder

OK so before you jump all over me and start shouting Google+, LinkedIn etc, I know there are other components, but right now what you have to ask your self is …..

‘Do I have the basics up and running?’

If you DON”T have your Blog set up, and set up right, you are missing the most basic and critically important component of your Online Empire.

To make sure that you get this absolutely right from the outset we have teamed up with Bradley Will and Matt Wolfe over at Learn To Blog For Profit to bring you a superb Free, Six Figure Blogging Formula

learn to blog for profit

So ….. Join us for our Free Webinar with masses of real actionable content and Learn How To Blog For Profit from the blogging masters

Book now because seats for the next couple of days they are filling up fast.

I am going to say this one last time, and I say it from having the experience of building profitable blogs the hard way, on my own with no guidance! This is the foundation of your online business empire, so if you want to learn to blog for money and profit the right way, book your seat on the Webinar!

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